Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday August 31, 2008

"Friend of God"
Israel Houghton serves as one of the worship pastors for Lakewood Church in Houston. Here is a portion of his amazing story.

I really should have been one of those abortion statistics you read about. My mother became pregnant with me when she was 17. My mother's white and my biological father's black. Her family wasn't supportive of their relationship and gave her the choice to have a back-alley abortion or to be disowned. I'm here because of the decision she made-and because of her conversion shortly after that. So when I lead worship I'm crazy. I realize how fortunate I am to be called by God and to be protected, to be covered by him. I'm incredibly grateful.

I grew up in a fairly legalistic home. My parents loved God, and they did the very best they could with what they knew. They came from a very discipleship-oriented, fairly heavy-handed way of doing kingdom work. So I would have more easily said, "I am afraid of God" than "I am a friend of God." The view I had of God was dysfunctional, almost like he was looking for opportunities to punish me. That was more what I caught than what was taught. But the more I said "I am a friend of God," the more that old, condemning view was purged from my life. I gained a healing sense of God saying, "I want to know you."

Here is a devotional thought on the song

Here is an interview with Israel that gives great insight into Israel’s walk with the Lord.

Click here to listen to the song

"You never let Go"

This powerful new song by Matt Redman has been described as follows from Christianity Today: "You Never Let Go" begins with a quiet piano and moody atmospherics that mirror far-from-ebullient lyrics based on Psalm 23: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death/You're perfect love is casting out fear/And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life/I won't turn back, I know you are near…The chorus is a loud, exultant proclamation that God will never let go of us and in it Redman uses the minor-key construction to subtly (and maturely) declare that God's love is still valid, even in the midst of pain.

Click here to listen watch the video

Click here to read more about Matt Redman on his myspace - you can play the song directly from his stand-alone player and can buy the song from his website


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Your perfect love is casting out fear And even when I’m caught
in the middle of the storms of this life I won’t turn back I know You are near
And I will fear no evil For my God is with me And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me

"No More Night"

Click here for the song sung by David Phelps and narrated by Joni Erickson Tada

Click here for an arrangement by David Phelps:

Walt Harrah is a noted song writer, session singer and record producer.His songs include Think About His Love (Integrity Music), In The Lord Alone (Maranatha Music), and No More Night (Word). He has been a session singer for 20 years, appearing on dozens of film soundtracks from "King Kong" to "Amistad," and numerous television programs, including the Oscars and the Tonight Show. He served as producer and singer with the vocal group Haven, a regular contributor to Haven Ministries radio programming. He has appeared on numerous recordings for Integrity Music, Maranatha Music, Word and other Christian recording companies. He received a bachelor of church music from the University of Southern California and a masters of divinity from Fuller Seminary. He serves as worship minister at Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, California.

"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"

The theme of the song is based on Deut. 33:27: "The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms." Anthony J. Showalter chose this verse to use in two letters sent to two men who had then just recently lost their wives in death. Showalter had conducted a singing school in South Carolina a few weeks earlier and both of these men had been students there.
Showalter was expressing his sympathy and love in response to their tragic losses. Lowell Mason was the father of the 'singing school movement' in America. Started in Boston around 1830, the movement would spread into the south. The teachers would teach the masses to sing the hymns line by line and note by note. By 1888, native Virginian, Anthony Showalter has become one ot the best teachers the movement had to offer.
On a night in 1888, a third letter was also sent containing the lines of a refrain and the melody of a song. Showalter wanted to express in song the truths of Deut. 33:27, but as hard as he tried, he could not complete the stanzas for the hymn. The letter was sent to Elisha Hoffman in Pennsylvania asking for assistance in completing the song. Rev. Hoffman, author of "I must tell Jesus", "Glory to His name", and two thousand other hymn-poems, would write three stanzas and send them back to Professor Showalter in Alabama.

Click here for a clip from the Andy Griffith show where they sang the song:

Click here for a slower version:

Click here for an Alan Jackson version:


This song is by Mike Guglielmucci. The song swept the country in one of those email attachments. I heard the song first and was reminded that each of us is in need of some kind of healing whether it be physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional. Mike claimed to be battling cancer when he wrote the song, he recorded the song at one of the Hillsongs recordings while on oxygen. The only problem was he didn't have cancer and was recently exposed as a fraud. I really struggled about whether to do the song when I found this out, but then it was if the Lord spoke to me and reminded me that there were times in worship when my words and heart were as fraudulent as Mike's.

You may want to read the story if you're interested, but I do ask you to pray for Mike and and as you do as the Lord where in your heart are you fraudulent.

The following statement was issued by the church Mike represented.

Australian Christian Churches National Executive:
Representatives of the National Executive recently met with Michael Guglielmucci. At this meeting he read a statement indicating that his claim to have cancer was untrue. His credential with the ACC was immediately suspended.The National Executive is taking this matter very seriously and is awaiting the results of medical tests before determining the full extent of the discipline that will be imposed upon him.We are very concerned for the many people who have been or will be hurt by Michael's actions and we encourage all of our churches to pray for all those affected.

Click here to read the article,25197,24216087-5006787,00.html

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here to listen online:

“In Christ Alone”

This song was written by Keith Getty & Stuart TownendTownend and Getty both admit they are motivated by the idea of capturing biblical truth in songs and hymns that will not only cause people to express their worship in church, but will build them up in their Christian lives. “I’ve been amazed by the response to this song,” says Townend. “We’ve had some incredible e-mails about how people have been helped by the song through incredibly difficult circumstances.” One e-mail described how a U.S soldier serving in Iraq would pray through each verse of the song every day, and how the promises of God’s protection and grace helped to sustain him through the enormous pressures and dangers of life in a war zone.
Click here to read more about how the song was composed
Click here to worship along with the Newsboys
Click here to worship along with Natalie Gran

The following is a paper John Brewer put together for a seminary class on worship. It's great to know this modern hymn has such a great foundation in the word of God.

In Christ Alone
By Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My comforter, my all in all—Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save. Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied; For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine—Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—This is the pow'r of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home—Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.


Only in Christ and in His promise of life do I find hope and a reason to sing. His work on the cross, my assurance of salvation, is the only thing that I can cling to when I feel empty and defeated. This incredible love calms my life’s anxiety. This amazing peace puts to rest my continual effort to save my self. He is my comforter, my everything. I no longer sit immobile but now stand because of Christ’s great love.

Through Christ, God became a man. He took on humanity but remained fully God. His decision to take on humanity was a gift of God to demonstrate His love and righteousness. Though He came to save all men, so many rejected and continue to reject Him. Sin displeases God and deserves punishment in order to maintain His standard of righteousness. The punishment for sin is the death of a sacrifice. Man could never provide a sacrifice that completely atones for his sinful nature. Therefore Jesus, being completely man, lived the perfect life and bore every sin thus allowing me to live.

This hope for mankind was seemingly killed by the cruelty of man. But, death was unable to defeat Him. The Ultimate Sacrifice took the punishment of sin in its fullest: death. But His victory over death accomplished for man what man himself was incapable of doing. Sin’s power and curse of death was broken when Christ rose from the grave. I gladly call Him my Savior, and He calls me His own; bought with the price of His life.

Now that I am saved, I have no guilt nor am I afraid of death. This is the power given to me by Christ. From the beginning of man’s life to the point of His death, our whole being and all of our eternity depends on what we do with Christ. His lordship of our lives determines how we will live and how we will spend eternity. Under His reign, nothing can separate me from His hand. It is in this power that I live, either until I die or until He returns.

Scriptural Support

In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song;
Titus 2:11-14; 1 Peter 1:3-5; 1 John 3:1-3 This cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
Matthew 21:42; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 10:4 What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
Titus 3:4-7 My comforter, my all in all—Here in the love of Christ I stand. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
In Christ alone, Who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe!
John 1:1-14; Luke 1:31-33 This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save.
John 3:16; Matthew 21:42 Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied;
Romans 3:23-26 For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—Here in the death of Christ I live.
1 Peter 2:24 There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain;
Luke 23:46, 53 Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again!
Luke 24:6, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
1 Corinthians 15:54-57; Romans 6:5-7, 23 For I am His and He is mine—Bought with the precious blood of Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:20;
No guilt in life, no fear in death—This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
Romans 8:15; 2 Timothy 1:7
From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
Galatians 2:20; Romans 13:14 No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Romans 8:38-39; John 10:28 Till He returns or calls me home—Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.
2 Peter 3:11-14

"Jesus, You're Beautiful"

Offertory this Sunday is by Carrie Hollingsworth

Jesus, bright as the morning star Jesus, how can I tell you How beautiful you are to me Jesus, song that the angels sing Jesus, dearer to my heart Than anything Sweeter than springtime Purer than sunshine Ever my song will be Jesus, You’re beautiful to me

Click here to worship along with Ce Ce Winans:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday August 24, 2008

on Main Street - $15.00

"My Savior Lives"

This is a new song by Jon Egan & Glenn Packiam of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Co. When asked about writing songs for the church in an interview Jon shared the following.

Those songs were written out of innocence just to equip our own church. I think that probably is the reason for the success. The heart of these songs, the heart of us as worshippers or worship leaders, has always been to help our people in our spheres of influence. The fact that it's equipped the Church beyond our church is overwhelming, wonderful, and humbling. Jared: We weren't really following anyone into it; we were just excited about what God was doing. We started to try our own songs at times other than Sunday morning. We just put it out there to see if it would live. It began that way, and it crept into the culture of Sunday morning.

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here to worship with the New Life church:

“When the Saints Go to Worship”

Donald Lawrence studied at Cincinnati Conservatory, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in music. To his credit, Donald's musicality has seen many incarnations, as vocal coach to the R&B group En Vogue, musical director for Stephanie Mills, songwriter for The Clark Sisters, and producer for a host of artists including Peabo Bryson and Kirk Franklin.

Click here to worship along:

Click here to worship along with Benita Washington:

Click here to listen online:

"Love Lifted Me"

Click here to sing the song:

Matthew 14: 30-33 (NASB) But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”
Rowe and Smith wrote this song in Saug­a­tuck, Con­nec­ti­cut. Ac­cord­ing to Rowe’s daugh­ter:“How­ard E. Smith was a lit­tle man whose hands were so knot­ted with arth­ri­tis that you would won­der how he could use them at all, much less play the pi­a­no…I can see them now, my fa­ther strid­ing up and down hum­ming a bar or two and How­ard E. play­ing it and jot­ting it down.”

"Sweet Mercies"
This song is by David Ruis,

Click here to hear his story behind the song

Click here to learn more about David's ministry

Click here for the lyrics

"Untitled Hymn"

This song by Chris Rice was on his recording "Run the earth and watch the sky". What a great name for a recording.

Click here to learn more about Chris

Click here to worship along with the song

Click here to listen to worship along with song

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday August 17, 2008

"The Lord Reigns"

Here is Klaus' testimony in his own words:

There are moments in each person’s life that shape us and cause us to change our course. One such moment in my life happened in the spring of 2003 at an “Encounter” event in Mexico. I attended the conference to help with worship and ended up with an encounter that would change my life. The word I received that weekend from Lindell was that I had not been forgotten, the Lord had need of me in this hour, and that a fountain for the nations was about to open up. Soon after, I received an invitation to be the Worship Leader at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. From the fall of 2003 through the spring of 2005 I had the privilege of entering into the presence each morning with about 1000 students who were hungry to see God move in their life. That season also opened up the opportunity to produce two CFNI Worship projects,"Glorious" and "Overtaken". I was born in Germany, but by the time I was ten, my family ended up in Canada after several years in Chicago and Michigan. At the age of five I began taking piano lessons and continued training in classical and jazz until I was about 18. I remember hearing Keith Green for the first time and being captivated by the sound of his heart. A lot of other influences weighed in to shape my musical mindset. In 1984 I left Canada and moved to Dallas, Texas to attend Christ For The Nations, Institute. Soon after graduating, I married Julie, who is an amazing woman and my best friend. We have three children, Candace, 11, Aaron Judah, 2, and Olivia Grace, born June 20th of last year.After a number of years in music ministry in Plano, Texas, we felt a season of change coming into our lives. In 1995 I left the church where I was leading Worship and began getting involved with real estate and remodeling homes. Through the years I have continued traveling and Leading Worship while building custom homes in McKinney, Texas. In the spring of 2005 I left Christ For The Nations and started Pure Worship Ministries. We are producing Worship that I believe, touches the heart of God and ministers to His people. The best is yet to come.

Click here to learn more about Klaus Kuehn:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along with Klaus:

"For, Thou, O Lord"

This is one of our Choirs' favorite anthems, based upon the Psalm 3
Psalm 3A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.
1 LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! 2 Many are saying of me, "God will not deliver him." 3 But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the one who lifts my head high.4 I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain.5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
6 I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.7 Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. 8 From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.

Click here to hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir minister the song:

Click here to hear the Lee University Campus choir minister the song:


Brenton Brown wrote this song after both he and his wife had being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Brown described their illness in the following excerpt from Christianity today.

Brown: It's called fibromyalgia, a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. What defines it are the symptoms, the most obvious ones [being] fatigue. You feel jet-lagged most of the time. There are other symptoms like nausea, muscle pain, muscle aches. There's no known cure. Basically it was just like waking up one day and finding out that I had someone else's body. Very strange. I wasn't thinking as clearly. And over the last three years we've basically had to relearn how to live life with our new bodies. It's been a challenge.
Chronic Fatigue is a little bit like having mono[nucleosis]. You feel very fatigued, very drained. And no matter how much you sleep, you're still going to feel tired. You can never shake off that tired feeling. I just kept going for six months. And then my pastor, the board of our church and the group of doctors that I was seeing all decided, "This is not working. You're not going to be able to force your way through this."
Brenton Brown, born in South Africa, is a Christian songwriter and worship leader. He left South Africa for Oxford, England in his early twenties on a Rhodes Scholarship. While studying politics, philosophy and theology he joined the Vineyard music (UK), serving as worship pastor at the Oxford Vineyard, UK, and eventually as coordinator of the Vineyard (UK) Worship Development Team. His songs, Lord Reign in me, All who are thirsty, Humble King, Hallelujah [Your love is amazing] and Holy were recorded on the popular Vineyard UK projects during this time. He has since left the UK and now lives in Malibu, California with his wife, Jude. Brenton is an artist on the worship label Survivor and in 2006 released his first solo album, Everlasting God with Survivor in the UK and rest of the world, and with Sparrow in the United States and Canada.

Check out Brenton’s ministry here:

Click here to listen to him share about how the song came about

Click here to listen to Lincoln Brewsters' arrangement

Click here to listen to Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche

"God of this City"

The following is a short version of how this song came about.

A group named "Bluetree" wrote the song "God of this City", and it's quite an amazing. It happens that the members of Bluetree are Christian and were on a missions trip serving as a band in Thailand. They were asked to play in a bar in some small town called Pattama (or something of that nature), and were scheduled to play almost 2 hours of music for the bar patrons (pretty weird eh?). Well while they were there, the lead singer Aaron was taken back by the fact that there were over 400 underaged prostitutes in that same town. He spontaneously started singing about the thoughts and emotions he had about this and most of the song came to be that night. In a way, he told Passion Los Angeles, that the song was written for both their hometown of Belfast (which they've been praying for revival to happen in), and also for that town of Pattama in Thailand.

How Chris and the band heard it was Chris was doing worship at a conference out in the UK. Bluetree was also in attendance and Daniel Carson (Chris' guitarist) heard the song and told Chris to come over to give it a listen. Chris didnt make it in time to hear the song, but talked with Aaron and heard the story of the song afterwards and brought the song to Passion and Louie as they planned to do their Regional USA tour and World Tour.

Click here to hear the story behind the song:

Click here for the Bluetree version:

Click here to worship along with Chris Tomlin:

"Jesus Paid it All"

The following is from Alex Nifong who wrote the additional chorus:
I have an old hymnal that I frequently play through sometimes during my private times alone with the Lord. I was playing through that song one day in Jan of 05 and I just started praying and singing out the phrase O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead. It was as simple as that. Just a prayer that came right out of my heart. This is a new arrangement of the old hymn, based on the recording from the Passion album "Everything glorious". It adds a new line "O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead". Check out the composer of the tag on his website

Here’s a story about the song:The words were written by Elvina M. Hall and the music by John T. Grape on New Year’s night, 1886, some missionaries were holding open-air services in order to attract passers-by to a near-by mission, where meetings were to be held later. "All to Christ I owe" was sung, and after a gentleman had given a short address he hastened away to the mission. He soon heard footsteps close behind him and a young woman caught up with him and said: "I heard you addressing the open-air meeting just now; do you think, sir, that Jesus could save a sinner like me?"The gentleman replied that there was no doubt about that, if she was anxious to be saved. She told him that she was a servant girl, and had left her place that morning after a disagreement with her mistress. As she had been wandering about the streets in the dark, wondering where she was to spend the night, the sweet melodies of this hymn had attracted her, and she drew near and listened attentively. As the different verses were being sung, she felt that the words surely had something to do with her. Through the whole service she seemed to hear what met her oppressed soul’s need at that moment. God’s Spirit had showed her what a poor, sinful and wretched creature she was, and had led her to ask what she must do. On hearing her experience, the gentleman took her back to the mission and left her with the ladies in charge. The young, wayward woman was brought to Christ that night. A situation was secured for her in a minister’s family. There she became ill and had to be taken to a hospital. She rapidly failed and it became evident that she would not be long on earth. One day the gentleman whom she had met on New Year’s night was visiting her in the ward. After quoting a few suitable verses of Scripture, he repeated her favorite hymn, "All to Christ I owe"…and she seemed overwhelmed with the thought of coming to glory…Two hours afterward she passed away.

Click here to worship along

Click here to worship along with a younger generation led by Kristian Stanfill:

You can go here to Kristians' myspace and click on the song just to listen

WOW - here it is in Spanish

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday August 10, 2008

"My God Lives"
This song is from the Fellowship Church recording "My God Lives"
This song is on "Songs from the Key of Life" the first worship recording from First Hurst or you can click if you are interested in purchasing a recording of the song

"We will Dance"

Click here for the lyrics:

Learn more about David Ruis here:

Click here to worship along with song:

“Be Thou My Vision”
The text (Rop tú mo baile) is often attributed to Dallan Forgaill in the 8th century; in any case, this text had been a part of Irish monastic tradition for centuries before the hymn itself was written. It was translated from Old Irish into English by Mary E. Byrne in “Eriú," Journal of the School of Irish Learning, in 1905. The English text was first versified by Eleanor H. Hull in 1912, and this version of the lyrics is the most common. However, slight variations of these lyrics are sometimes seen. The first verse of Hull's version follows:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Thus, the English translation of the hymn itself is fairly recent and the Elizabethan vocabulary and structure is somewhat an anachronism. Be Thou My Vision has become the quintessential Irish hymn in English-speaking churches and is often sung around St. Patrick's Day. Despite its traditional nature and the seemingly archaic quality of the text, Be Thou My Vision has become a popular song performed by Contemporary Christian musicians, such as Rebecca St. James and Ginny Owens.

Click here to read about the origin of the hymn:

Click here to listen to Rebecca St. James version

Click here to hear Fernado Ortego's version:

"Are you Washed in the Blood"

This song was writtne by Elisha Hoffman. Hoffman (1839-1929) was an American minister and Gospel song and hymn writer who wrote the words and music for such familiar hymns as "Are You Washed in the Blood?," "I Must Tell Jesus," "Is Your All on the Altar?," and "What a Wonderful Saviour!"
Click here for a bluegrass arrangement:

Click here for an arrangement by Loretta Lynn:

Click here for an arrangement by Alan Jackson:

"God of this City"

The following is a short version of how this song came about.

Nov 2007, Bluetree are heading out to Pattaya Thailand to participate in an event arranged by Belfast missionaries living in Pattaya, Thailand called Pattaya Praise. We’ve no expectation of the event; we were just looking for an opportunity to serve somehow.We didn’t know much about it before we left, but Pattaya is a dark place. It’s a small seaside town notorious for it’s sex trade. Throughout our time there we heard countless stories of girls who are bought from their parents for a price, sold to the sex industry at ages as young as 5 years old. Arriving in Pattaya the spiritual climate seems to change, it’s hard to define, but there is a very tangible change. On the bus journey in we’d been our usual cheery selves, but entering Pattaya at 10am and turning on to a street lined by girls ready for business, the bus became very quiet. We’re in total shock. It’s a sunny day but it’s incredible how dark it feels.’Walking street’ we learn is the epicentre of the sex trade in Pattaya, it’s about a mile long and at night springs to life with neon signs. Thai people are generally conservative in their dress sense – it’s generally considered provocative to bare your shoulders. But on their street the girls are wearing very little, and offering anything you can imagine for a price. It’s easy to look around with human eyes, see the depravity and get angry. You see older men walking hand-in-hand with young girls – as a daddy, that’s hard to take in. It’s easy to get angry, it’s easy to judge – but that’s not our job, so we grit our teeth.

We were in Pattaya to be part of a praise event not far from this street, the soul purpose of which was to worship and show God’s light in a dark place. We wanted to play more than the scheduled slots while we were there, so we found out that one of the bar owners would let us play a worship set in her bar on the proviso that we brought as many from the missions team who would buy coke-a-cola all night. We walk in to the bar which is about the middle of walking street, girls are lined up on the stairs waiting for business. We get set up, we’re really nervous and quite uncomfortable but we kick in to a familiar beat of worship and soon it’s ok. God starts to speak and we started to move in to this spontaneous song. The truth is when you worship in a place, you start to see God’s heart for that place. What would God say to a place like this?Amidst the depravity God say’s, I’m the God of this City, I’m the King of these people and Greater Thing are Yet to Come, Greater Things are Still to be Done HERE. The song wasn’t written before that night, but we came out of the bar having worshipped with the song that is now the title track of our album – God of this City (Greater things). The song isn’t just for Pattaya – it’s for your city, and it’s true. By faith we must expect that greater things are still to be done

How Chris Tomlin picked the song up:
Chris and his band heard it while Chris was doing worship at a conference out in the UK. Bluetree was also in attendance and Daniel Carson (Chris' guitarist) heard the song and told Chris to come over to give it a listen. Chris didnt make it in time to hear the song, but talked with Aaron and heard the story of the song afterwards and brought the song to Passion and Louie as they planned to do their Regional USA tour and World Tour.

Click here to hear the story behind the song:

Click here for the Bluetree version:

Click here to worship along with Chris Tomlin:

"It is Well"
Click here to read the story of how the song was written along with the rest of the story

Click here to watch a video depicting the story behind the song

Click here to watch the Gaither video version with David Phelps

Click here for a video detailing the story behind the song

Click here for more background information:

To listen to the song click here: