Wednesday, April 8, 2009


"My Savior Lives"

This is a new song by Jon Egan & Glenn Packiam of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Co. When asked about writing songs for the church in an interview Jon shared the following.
Those songs were written out of innocence just to equip our own church. I think that probably is the reason for the success. The heart of these songs, the heart of us as worshippers or worship leaders, has always been to help our people in our spheres of influence. The fact that it's equipped the Church beyond our church is overwhelming, wonderful, and humbling. Jared: We weren't really following anyone into it; we were just excited about what God was doing. We started to try our own songs at times other than Sunday morning. We just put it out there to see if it would live. It began that way, and it crept into the culture of Sunday morning.

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here to worship with the New Life church:

"God of All Gods"

The worship choir will present this powerful song with John Brewer & Jennifer Reynolds.
Click here to hear this powerful song:

"I'm Counting on God"

This song of declaration was written by Jared Anderson of the New Life worship ministry in Colorado Springs, Co. Jared wrote the following on the song:This song has come to the forefront in the life of our church because of the recent trials we've had to face. The testing of our faith has made us more resolved to endure and overcome the sufferings for the all-surpassing glory of God. It is not only our obstacles that will be defeated, but the Kingdom of our God will overtake the kingdom of this world. This song helps us put our battles into proper perspective. The evidence that this is taking place is seen in the transformation of our lives and community. We are nothing like we used to be. - Jared Anderson

Click here to worship along with the New Life Worship Band:

"From the inside out"

This powerful worship song is by Joel Houston. Joel Timothy Houston (born September 19, 1979) is a song writer and worship leader at the Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. He is employed as the producer of Hillsong's youth band, Hillsong United. He is the oldest son of Hillsong Church's pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston and grandson of Frank Houston. He has two siblings, a brother Benjamin and a sister, Laura.

Click here to worship along:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to see one of the powerful cardboard testimonies online:

"Man of Sorrows, What a Name"
offertory by Karin Essen & Carol Stout

Words & Music:
bio("Phil­ip P. Bliss","b/l/i/bliss_pp")
Phil­ip P. Bliss, in In­ter­na­tion­al Les­sons Month­ly, 1875

Written…short­ly before his death, this was the last hymn I heard Mr. Bliss sing. It was at a meet­ing in Far­well Hall in Chi­ca­go [Il­li­nois], con­duct­ed by Hen­ry Moore­house. A few weeks be­fore his death Mr. Bliss vis­it­ed the State pri­son at Jack­son, Mi­chi­gan, where, af­ter a ve­ry touch­ing ad­dress on “The Man of Sor­rows,” he sang this hymn with great ef­fect. Ma­ny of the pri­son­ers dat­ed their con­ver­sion from that day.
When Mr. Moo­dy and I were in Par­is, hold­ing meet­ings in the old church which Na­pol­e­on had grant­ed to the Evan­gel­ic­als, I fre­quent­ly sang this hymn as a so­lo, ask­ing the con­gre­ga­tion to join in the sin­gle phrase, “Hal­le­lu­jah, what a Sav­iour,” which they did with splen­did ef­fect. It is said that the word “Hal­le­lu­jah” is the same in all lan­guag­es. It seems as though God had pre­pared it for the great ju­bi­lee of hea­ven, when all his child­ren shall have been ga­thered home to sing “Hal­le­lu­jah to the Lamb!”

Click here for an arrangement of "Man of Sorrows"

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