Thursday, March 25, 2010

LEAD ME TO THE CROSS - Palm Sunday March 28, 2010

Join us for one of three identical multi-sensory worship services this Sunday
9:30AM, 11:00AM, or 12:30PM

Highlights include:
Multi-sensory worship packet for all participants including:
Communion elements, a cross, a thorn, a scented cloth, a parchment decree & a palm branch
Outreach packet for you to take and use the week before Easter
Worship Choir & Orchestra leading:

"Prepare Ye the Way"

This song was written by Michael W. Smith, check it out here:!videos=nhSa8ou8CHI&v=Iu9WAkb_LKo

“When I speak Your Name”

The following is a testimony from Elizabeth Clark who wrote the song. Music as well as the Word of God has been a part of me even from the beginning of life in my mother's womb; and I have done my best for the past 20 years to follow hard after the heart of God. I have been leading worship for ten years, in youth groups, women's conferences, outdoor events, marriage conferences, worship conferences, youth camps, and have opened for Carmen,Sierra, and Scott Kripaynne, and I have also shared the stage with Rita Springer, Klaus Kuehn, and Lenny Leblanc. Worship leading is not something I just do, I really try to live it, for I was born to worship my Creator. He just happened to give me the gift to sing, play the piano, and write songs. He is my true love. CHRIST FOR THE NATIONS has been a major part of influence, and a molding and shaping ground for me. I attended there in the fall of 2002-2004, and will never forget the memorable moments of pure and intimate worship, as well as the high praise that went up! God is truly leading the way there. Klaus Kuehn,(a man of wisdom, transparency, and a love for his Savior) has played one of the major roles of inspiration and encouragement in my life and "world of music". I praise my God for what he has done, what He is doing, and what He will do!
Click here to visit Elizabeth Clarks’ myspace:

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here for another arrangement of the song:

First Hurst’s own Drumline to start the Palm Sunday processional
Made for Praise children & adult dance team
Church in the round

A medical view of the crucifixion: check it out here

Four of our own artists painting their interpretation of the THORN
A monologue on the cross
Celebration of Communion together
A multi-media presentation on the life of Christ and his healing ministry
Sitar musical selections
Chad Carpentar original song “Our Hope is Secure”

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Behind the Praise - Sunday March 21, 2010

"More love to Thee"
The History Behind the Hymn
Elizabeth Payson Prentiss came from a family steeped in faith. Her father, Edward Payson, was a famous and beloved Congregational minister. Her husband was a Presbyterian minister and seminary professor.
Elizabeth struggled with insomnia and severe headaches for her entire life. After the loss of two children in short succession, Elizabeth’s frail health was nearly broken and she cried out in her distress “Our home is broken up, our lives wrecked, our hopes shattered, our dreams dissolved, I don’t think I can stand living for another moment.” (Peterson, William J. and Ardythe. The Complete Book of Hymns: Inspiring Stories About 600 Hymns and Praise Songs. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 2006. page: 348)
It was during this time of tremendous emotional suffering that Elizabeth wrote the lyrics that eventually became the hymn, More Love to Thee, O Christ. The words that Elizabeth wrote joyously proclaim the Christian’s desire to love their Savior more everyday. However, Elizabeth did not finish her poem.
Thirteen years later, she found the unfinished poem. She would have left it unfinished but for her husband’s encouragement. Her husband printed several copies, one of which found its way to William Howard Doane, a musician in Cincinnati. He set the words to music and published the hymn in his Songs of Devotion.

Click here to listen to this song:

"My God Lives"

This song is from the Fellowship Church recording "My God Lives"This song is on "Songs from the Key of Life" the worship recording from First Hurst or you can click if you are interested in purchasing a recording of the song

"Jerusalem, with The Holy city"

Click here for an arrangement by the Hoppers:

"Prepare Ye the Way"

This song was written by Michael W. Smith, check it out here:


Click here to worship along with the Hillsongs church:

There is love that came for us
Humbled to a sinner's cross
You broke my shame and sinfuless
You rose again victorious

Faithfulness none can deny
Through the storm and through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger you are stronger
Sin is broken you have saved me
It is written Christ is risen
Jesus you are Lord of all

No beginning and no end
You're my hope and my defence
You came to seek and save the lost
You paid it all upon the cross

So let your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher be lifted higher

"Have thine Own Way"
The words to this hymn of surrender were written by Adelaide A. Pollard in 1907.Pol­lard be­lieved the Lord want­ed her in Af­ri­ca as a mis­sion­a­ry, but she was un­a­ble to raise funds to go. In an un­cer­tain state of mind, she at­tend­ed a pray­er meet­ing, where she heard an el­der­ly wo­man pray, “It’s all right, Lord. It does­n’t mat­ter what You bring in­to our lives, just have Your own way with us.” At home that night, much en­cour­aged, she wrote this hymn.
Click here to listen to Jim Reeves (Gomer Pyles' version)
Click here for a gospel arrangement:

"You're Worthy of My Praise"
This song was written by David Ruis. David is a well-respected worship leader, songwriter and speaker. Together with his wife Anita, he is also known as a church planter and pastor having established churches in Canada and the US within the Association of Vineyard Churches. David has also been instrumental in seeing Christian communities developed in Nepal and India within the Vineyard movement. Much of his focus tends to be in indigenous settings working amongst the poor, as well as facilitating leadership development and the fostering of originality in song writing and the arts in various cultural settings.David has several worship songs published that are standards in Church worship, most notably "You're Worthy of My Praise" and "Every Move I Make". He recently released his latest CD, “When Justice Shines” through ION Records ( David has also authored two books with Regal Publishing - "The Worship God Is Seeking" and more recently "The Justice God Is Seeking".At this point David is giving significant focus to music and the creative aspects of his calling, which involve music production, writing, and composition. David continues to travel internationally both speaking and leading worship. A burning passion for the Ruis family is the discovery of the practical and theological integration of creative worship expression within community that is engaged in a lifestyle that interfaces with the issues of poverty and social injustice.David, his wife Anita and their four children currently reside in the Los Angeles area.
Click here to listen to David share about how the song came about:
Click here to worship along with the Vineyard worship team:
Click here to worship along with Jeremy:

"Sweet Hour of Prayer"
First Hurst Handbells:
Words: Will­iam Wal­ford, 1845; ap­peared in The New York Ob­ser­ver, Sep­tem­ber 13, 1845, ac­com­pa­nied by the fol­low­ing, writ­ten by Thom­as Sal­mon:

During my re­si­dence at Coles­hill, War­wick­shire, Eng­land, I be­came ac­quaint­ed with W. W. Wal­ford, the blind preach­er, a man of ob­scure birth and con­nect­ions and no ed­u­ca­tion, but of strong mind and most re­ten­tive mem­o­ry. In the pul­pit he ne­ver failed to se­lect a less­on well adapt­ed to his sub­ject, giv­ing chap­ter and verse with un­err­ing pre­ci­sion and scarce­ly ev­er mis­plac­ing a word in his re­pe­ti­tion of the Psalms, ev­ery part of the New Tes­ta­ment, the pro­phe­cies, and some of the his­to­ries, so as to have the rep­u­ta­tion of “know­ing the whole Bi­ble by heart.” He ac­tu­al­ly sat in the chim­ney cor­ner, em­ploy­ing his mind in com­pos­ing a ser­mon or two for Sab­bath de­liv­ery, and his hands in cut­ting, shap­ing and po­lish­ing bones for shoe horns and other lit­tle use­ful im­ple­ments. At in­ter­vals he at­tempt­ed po­e­try. On one oc­ca­sion, pay­ing him a vi­sit, he re­peat­ed two or three piec­es which he had co­mposed, and hav­ing no friend at home to commit them to paper, he had laid them up in the store­house within. “How will this do?” asked he, as he re­peat­ed the fol­low­ing lines, with a com­pla­cent smile touched with some light lines of fear lest he sub­ject him­self to cri­ti­cism. I ra­pid­ly co­pied the lines with my pen­cil, as he ut­tered them, and sent them for in­ser­tion in the Ob­serv­er, if you should think them worthy of pre­ser­va­tion.

Click here to listen to the various arrangements of "Sweet Hour of Prayer"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Behind the Praise - Sunday March 14, 2010


This powerful worship song was written by Jared Anderson. Author of the songs “Rescue”, “Amazed”, and “Hear us from Heaven”, Jared Anderson is a prolific writer committed to the local church. He aims to put Jesus in the spotlight with his songs and leadership for New Life Church. Jared grew up at New Life Church where he joined the choir at 13 years old and played keyboards in the youth band all through high school.Now, as before, he is a member of both New Life Worship and Desperation Band as well as his heading up his own recordings. When he’s not leading, writing, or recording, Jared is at home with wife Megan and children Everett (3), Beckett (2), and Francie (1).
Click here to visit Jareds' myspace:

Click here to worship along with Jared Anderson:

"Because of Who You Are"

This song was written by Martha Munizzi.

Click here to read Martha's story:

Click here to worship along with Martha:

"Prepare Ye the Way"

This song was written by Michael W. Smith, check it out here:!videos=nhSa8ou8CHI&v=Iu9WAkb_LKo

"Amazing Grace" (My Chains Are Gone)

This song was co-authored by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio. Chris was touched by the story of John Newton and his testimony of God’s grace. In researching the song Chris discovered that the traditional final verse “When we’ve been there ten thousand years” was actually added a hundred years later. Chris and Louie added this verse back in along with the new bridge-chorus.

Here is the original last verse:
“The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbid (forget) (forbear) to shine
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine”

Click here to hear Chris Tomlin share about how he wrote the alternate chorus:

Here is more information on how the song came about.

Click here to watch the music video


Click here to worship along with the Hillsongs church:

There is love that came for us
Humbled to a sinner's cross
you broke my shame and sinfuless you rose again victorious

Faithfulness none can deny
Through the strom and through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger you are stronger
Sin is broken you have saved me
It is written Christ is risen Jesus you are Lord of all
No beginning and no end You're my hope and my defence
You came to seek and save the lost
You paid it all upon the cross
So let your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher be lifted higher

"Revelation song"

You can listen to "Revelation song" on Jennie's myspace, the recording is by Kari Jobe.

This song is sweeping the country and literally being sung around the world.Click here to listen to the

If you’ve been blessed by the song, send Jennie an encouraging note here –

"Temporary Home"

Click here to listen to Carrie Underwood share the song:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"Psalm 24"

Worship choir - Under the direction of Curtis Brewer - worship pastor First Baptist Odessa

Click here to listen to the song:!videos=qqUl0h8RYcg&v=oTZHLzvWZsc

"Happy Day”

The greatest day in history, Death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out Jesus is alive
The empty cross, The empty grave
Life eternal You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive
He's alive

Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed

This new song was written by Tim Hughes. Tim Hughes is a British-based Christian music artist, worship leader, and songwriter. Widely respected in Christian music circles, Tim is renowned for his Dove Award-winning modern worship anthem: “Here I Am To Worship”.

Tim & his wife Rachel have been involved with Soul Survivor events around the world as well as the Soul Survivor Watford church for many years.

Tim now heads up the worship at Holy Trinity Brompton, having previously been Worship Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford (a post now held by Ben Cantelon) and is passionate about resourcing musicians and worship leaders.

Click here to learn more about Tim:

Click here to sing along:

Click here to purchase Tim Hughes “Happy Day”
Tim Hughes - Holding Nothing Back - Happy Day

Crossroads will share "The Lord is My Shephard"

"Prepare Ye the Way"

This song was written by Michael W. Smith, check it out here:!videos=nhSa8ou8CHI&v=Iu9WAkb_LKo


This song was written by Kathryn Scott while living in Glasgow. Kathryn found her self desperate for the Lord and this song became her personal cry for revival.

Click here to listen to Kathryn share her story:

Hungry I come to You For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You So I wait for You I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me Jesus You're all This heart is living for
Broken I run to You For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know Your touch Restores my life

Click here for Kathryns' myspace:

Here is Kathryns' bio:

Kathryn (Rainey) Scott was born into a very musical family with a passion for ministry. During her early childhood, her father Roy and singer/songwriter mom Mildred worked in a recording studio when the family wasn’t travelling across the UK with an evangelism group. It was during those early years that Kathryn made a decision to follow Jesus. And, by age 9, she had begun writing songs with the encouragement of her mom. At 19, she entered Elim Bible College (now Regent’s Theological College) in England, where she studied theology and met her future husband, Alan. The couple married after college and together began to seek God’s plan for their lives, believing they were called to plant a church but not sure of how to go about it. They began the journey by becoming assistant pastors at Alan’s home church, South West Glasgow Vineyard. At that time, Kathryn met award-winning artist and songwriter Brian Doerksen and began working with him to hone her own skills as a worship leader and songwriter. Soon after, she penned the songs Child of God and Hungry, which were eventually recorded by Vineyard Music. Two years later, Alan and Kathryn departed for Northern Ireland to plant a church of their own. A year later, Causeway Coast Vineyard began meeting in a local pub when the couple could find no other available venues. Within a few years, the church grew to a congregation of over 400 adults and 100 children. And, as the church grew, so did Kathryn’s reputation as a songwriter. She signed with Integrity Music and released her critically-acclaimed solo debut Satisfy in 2003. The CD included the popular songs At The Foot Of The Cross, Search Me, Know Me and the evergreen Hungry among others. She also continued writing with Doerksen and artist Paul Baloche, contributing songs and guest vocals to their recent Integrity CDs. In mid-December of ‘07, Kathryn will release I Belong, a studio recording produced by Brent Milligan. The CD features co-writes with Baloche and Doerksen and with her first writing partner and coach, her mom. Kathryn and Alan are busier than ever at Causeway and as parents to their young daughters Sophie and Emily Joy.

Click here to worship along with Kathryn Scott:

Click here to listen online:

“Holy, Holy, Holy”

Holy, Holy, Holy is a hymn written by Reginald Heber (1783-1826). Its lyrics speak specifically on the Trinity as stated in Christian theology. It was written specifically for the use on Trinity Sunday, which occurs eight weeks after Easter The tune used for this hymn, "Nicaea", was named after the Nicaean Council in 325. It was composed by John Bacchus Dykes in 1861 specifically for the lyrics. The composer wrote many tunes to hymns (over 300) and many are still in use today.

Click here to listen to the story behind the song:

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here to read more about the song:,_Holy,_Holy

Click here to hear a vocal arrangement:

Click here to listen to an organ arrangement:

Click here to listen to another organ

Click here for an acoustic guitar arrangement:

Offertory - Tetelestai - "Favor of God"!videos=zk6r_5ZWhfs&v=CWeQctbpe9I