Sunday we'll record our second Worship CD -
listed below are the songs we'll be singing. This Cd will include seven
Worship Choir songs as well as six congregational songs.
"The Presence of the Lord is Here"
The worship Choir with guest soloist Cedrick Johnson will minister this song.
The worship Choir with guest soloist Cedrick Johnson will minister this song.
Click here to hear Bryon Cages' rendition.
Here is another rendition by Byron
Here is an arrangement by the Saddleback worship team
"My Savior Lives"
This is a new song by Jon Egan & Glenn Packiam of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Co. When asked about writing songs for the church in an interview Jon shared the following.Those songs were written out of innocence just to equip our own church. I think that probably is the reason for the success. The heart of these songs, the heart of us as worshippers or worship leaders, has always been to help our people in our spheres of influence. The fact that it's equipped the Church beyond our church is overwhelming, wonderful, and humbling. Jared: We weren't really following anyone into it; we were just excited about what God was doing. We started to try our own songs at times other than Sunday morning. We just put it out there to see if it would live. It began that way, and it crept into the culture of Sunday morning.
Click here to listen to the song:
Click here to worship with the New Life church:
"Love Lifted Me"
Matthew 14: 30-33 (NASB) But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”
Matthew 14: 30-33 (NASB) But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”

Rowe and Smith wrote this song in Saugatuck, Connecticut. According to Rowe’s daughter:“Howard E. Smith was a little man whose hands were so knotted with arthritis that you would wonder how he could use them at all, much less play the piano…I can see them now, my father striding up and down humming a bar or two and Howard E. playing it and jotting it down.”
Click here to listen to the song:
"Thou, O Lord"
This is one of our Choirs' favorite anthems, based upon the Psalm 3
Psalm 3 A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.
This is one of our Choirs' favorite anthems, based upon the Psalm 3
Psalm 3 A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.
1 LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! 2 Many are saying of me, "God will not deliver him." 3 But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the one who lifts my head high.4 I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain.5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
6 I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.7 Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. 8 From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.
Click here to hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir minister the song:
Click here to hear the Lee University Campus choir minister the song:
"Revelation Song"
Jennie Riddle wrote this powerful worship song: She is housewife from McKinney, Texas who simply heard what some would call a song from the "other side". She said it was between cooking spaghetti and changing one of the kids’ diapers.
You can listen to "Revelation song" on Jennie's myspace, the recording is by Kari Jobe.
You can listen to "Revelation song" on Jennie's myspace, the recording is by Kari Jobe.
You can listen to more of Jennie Riddles music here:
This song is sweeping the country and literally being sung around the world.
Click here to listen to the song.
If you’ve been blessed by the song, send Jennie an encouraging note here –
If you’ve been blessed by the song, send Jennie an encouraging note here –
"Lord, You're Holy"
This song is by Karen Wheaton. Born Karen Harris, she grew up in a Pentecostal family, the younger of two daughters, in Hamilton, Alabama where she was active in church music from an early age. In the late 1970s Karen toured with Thurlow Spurr's Festival of Praise, a pioneering Christian touring choir and band. In the early 1980s Karen traveled with her own band, which included her first husband and former Nashville keyboard player, DeWayne Wheaton. Karen and DeWayne later joined Jimmy Swaggart Ministries with Karen as one of the ministry's featured soloists and DeWayne sharing in keyboard responsibilities. Several of Karen's early gospel albums identify her as either "Karen Harris" or "Karen Harris Wheaton".Wheaton, though involved in ministry in a variety of ways including her youth group, Chosen, is probably most noted outside of the Pentecostal Church for efforts to record and promote a vanishing form of gospel music, namely the Mississippi Delta sound that is fused with blues, urban contemporary gospel, and bluegrass gospel influences. She is also known for including the type of dramatic, gospel songs of the genre made popular by Sandy Rios, Kathy Sullivan, the Rev. Sharon Daughtery, and others prior to the advent of Contemporary Christian music in the late 1970s.Wheaton's album Remembering (1993) was an effort to bring together negelected Pentecostal songs such as ''I'm Feelin' Mighty Fine with new songs in the same spirit. Her 1998 album, My Alabaster Box'' also features a number of old standards alongside dramatic new songs such as the title cut. Wheaton has never written music of her own though she often arranges the vocals of her songs and is very involved in the engineering and production of her recordings. Wheaton's voice is a strong, dramatic alto.Wheaton is considered an interesting and important fixture on the contemporary theological scene in the American south as she represents the long-standing Pentecostal tradition of women having strong roles within the clergy and also as she continues the convention of "singing preachers" who incorporate aspects of sermonizing into actual songs. In many ways, Wheaton a rare breed to continue traditions of conventional southern revival-style preaching in her music. Wheaton's live version of "For Every Mountain", from her album Church is a prime example of this genre.Wheaton currently lives in Hamilton, Alabama with her daughters and aside from touring and recording her music, runs The Ramp and its associated youth outreach programs.
Click here to listen an arrangement of the song:
Go here to listen to the choir arrangement, scroll down to new worship songs:
Brenton Brown wrote this song after both he and his wife had being diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome
Great song by Brenton Brown, check him out here.
Brenton Brown wrote this song after both he and his wife had being diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome
Great song by Brenton Brown, check him out here.
Click here to listen to him share about how the song came about
Click here to listen to Lincoln Brewsters' arrangement
Click here to listen to Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche
"Untitled Hymn"
This song by Chris Rice was on his recording "Run the earth and watch the sky". What a great name for a recording.
Click here to learn more about Chris
Click here to worship along with the song
Click here to listen to worship along with song
"No More Night"
Click here for the song sung by David Phelps and narrated by Joni Erickson Tada
Click here for an arrangement by David Phelps:
Walt Harrah is a noted song writer, session singer and record producer.His songs include Think About His Love (Integrity Music), In The Lord Alone (Maranatha Music), and No More Night (Word). He has been a session singer for 20 years, appearing on dozens of film soundtracks from "King Kong" to "Amistad," and numerous television programs, including the Oscars and the Tonight Show. He served as producer and singer with the vocal group Haven, a regular contributor to Haven Ministries radio programming. He has appeared on numerous recordings for Integrity Music, Maranatha Music, Word and other Christian recording companies. He received a bachelor of church music from the University of Southern California and a masters of divinity from Fuller Seminary. He serves as worship minister at Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, California.
"My Wordless Prayer"
My words lie still and lifeless as dust upon the sand,
I can no longer voice one request or demand,
My cup of tears is empty, I can no loner cry,
My lips have fallen silent, my prayer is but a sigh.
Spirit come and rest Your ear upon my heart,
O come and hear my wordless prayer,
my silent plea and take them far away from me.
Take them from this heart of mine to the Father’s heart divine,
Speak in tones unknown to man that God may hear and understand.
My voice is weak from calling to You both night and day.
How long will You be silent? Why do You turn away?
Spirit, come and rest Your ear upon my heart;
Come and hear my wordless prayer,
my silent plea and take them far away from me.
Take them from this heart of mine to the Father’s heart divine.
Speak in tones unknown to man that God may hear and under stand.
I can no longer voice one request or demand,
My cup of tears is empty, I can no loner cry,
My lips have fallen silent, my prayer is but a sigh.
Spirit come and rest Your ear upon my heart,
O come and hear my wordless prayer,
my silent plea and take them far away from me.
Take them from this heart of mine to the Father’s heart divine,
Speak in tones unknown to man that God may hear and understand.
My voice is weak from calling to You both night and day.
How long will You be silent? Why do You turn away?
Spirit, come and rest Your ear upon my heart;
Come and hear my wordless prayer,
my silent plea and take them far away from me.
Take them from this heart of mine to the Father’s heart divine.
Speak in tones unknown to man that God may hear and under stand.
Here is an mp3 of the song the choir will share this Sunday.
Here is a link to some background information on Craig Courtney the composer.
“In Christ Alone”
This song was written by Keith Getty & Stuart TownendTownend and Getty both admit they are motivated by the idea of capturing biblical truth in songs and hymns that will not only cause people to express their worship in church, but will build them up in their Christian lives. “I’ve been amazed by the response to this song,” says Townend. “We’ve had some incredible e-mails about how people have been helped by the song through incredibly difficult circumstances.” One e-mail described how a U.S soldier serving in Iraq would pray through each verse of the song every day, and how the promises of God’s protection and grace helped to sustain him through the enormous pressures and dangers of life in a war zone.
Click here to read more about how the song was composed
Click here to worship along with the Newsboys
Click here to worship along with Natalie Gran
"Jesus Paid it All"
I received this email from Alex Nefong in England who wrote the song:
Sure man... I have an old hymnal that I frequently play through sometimes during my private times alone with the Lord. I was playing through that song one day in Jan of 05 and I just started praying and singing out the phrase O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead. It was as simple as that. Just a prayer that came right out of my heart. Thanks for asking Mark.
This is a new arrangement of the old hymn, based on the recording from the Passion album "Everything glorious". It adds a new line "O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead".
Check out the composer of the tag on his website
Here’s a story about the song:
The words were written by Elvina M. Hall and the music by John T. Grape on New Year’s night, 1886, some missionaries were holding open-air services in order to attract passers-by to a near-by mission, where meetings were to be held later. "All to Christ I owe" was sung, and after a gentleman had given a short address he hastened away to the mission. He soon heard footsteps close behind him and a young woman caught up with him and said: "I heard you addressing the open-air meeting just now; do you think, sir, that Jesus could save a sinner like me?"The gentleman replied that there was no doubt about that, if she was anxious to be saved. She told him that she was a servant girl, and had left her place that morning after a disagreement with her mistress. As she had been wandering about the streets in the dark, wondering where she was to spend the night, the sweet melodies of this hymn had attracted her, and she drew near and listened attentively. As the different verses were being sung, she felt that the words surely had something to do with her. Through the whole service she seemed to hear what met her oppressed soul’s need at that moment. God’s Spirit had showed her what a poor, sinful and wretched creature she was, and had led her to ask what she must do. On hearing her experience, the gentleman took her back to the mission and left her with the ladies in charge. The young, wayward woman was brought to Christ that night. A situation was secured for her in a minister’s family. There she became ill and had to be taken to a hospital. She rapidly failed and it became evident that she would not be long on earth. One day the gentleman whom she had met on New Year’s night was visiting her in the ward. After quoting a few suitable verses of Scripture, he repeated her favorite hymn, "All to Christ I owe"…and she seemed overwhelmed with the thought of coming to glory…Two hours afterward she passed away.
Click here to worship along
Click here to worship along with a younger generation led by Kristian Stanfill:
You can go here to Kristians' myspace and click on the song just to listen
WOW - here it is in Spanish
"Something Happens"
The worship choir with Jennifer Reynolds will share this powerful song.
Meditate on the lyrics
Jesus Something special Supernatural about your name
Jesus Something special Supernatural about your name
Jesus Something happens when I mention your name
Demons have to flee when I say Jesus (Jesus)
Sickness has to heal when I say Jesus (Jesus)
Every knee shall bow beforeand every tongue proclaim
With worthy praise that matchless name of Jesus
When I call upon Your name the very atmosphere will have to change
When I call upon Your name the very atmosphere will have to change
We'll be transformed We'll never be the same By the power of Your Holy name
Worship along Kurt Carr
Worship along with the Marcus Pointe worship choir
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