Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday June 29, 2008

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate our freedom in Christ and our freedom as Americans.

"I Pledge Allegiance"

Click here to preview the song:

"Star-Spangled Banner"

This melody was first published in England circa 1780 as To Anacreon in Heaven. The melody was probably written by British composer John Stafford Smith. The words to that song were written by Ralph Tomlinson. Both were members of the Anacreontic Club of London. To Anacreon in Heaven was their theme song. The Anacreontic Club was a group of wealthy men who met to celebrate music, food and drink.
The melody was particularly popular in America during the War of 1812 and several Americans wrote patriotic songs to it. The most famous of these was Francis Scott Key, an American lawyer.
While aboard an English ship trying to secure the release of a friend, Francis Scott Key witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry. When the bombardment was over, the American flag was still flying. He wrote a poem The Defense of Fort McHenry, which was first printed anonymously on a broadside in 1814. On September 20 it was published in The Baltimore Patriot. Key's brother-in-law suggested he set the words to the tune To Anacreon in Heaven. When the sheet music was published in 1815, the name was changed to The Star Spangled Banner. The song was first adopted by the army and navy as the national anthem. It was officially recognized as the American National Anthem in 1931 by an act of Congress.

Click here for the various arrangements of the song:

"My Country Tis' of Thee"

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants." -- William Penn
Moved deeply by the desire to create a national hymn that would allow the American people to offer praise to God for our wonderful land, a twenty-four-year-old theological student, Samuel Francis Smith, penned these lines on a scrap of paper in less than thirty minutes in 1832. Yet even today many consider "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" their favorite patriotic hymn and call it our "unofficial national anthem."
The easily singable words of the song are matched with a popular international melody used by many nations, including England, where it accompanies "God Save the King/Queen." The emotionally powerful ideas that Smith expressed had an immediate response. The hymn soon became a national favorite. The stirring tributes to our fatherland in the first three stanzas lead to a worshipful climax of gratefulness to God and a prayer for His continued guidance.
Following his graduation from Harvard and the Andover Theological Seminary, Samuel Smith became an outstanding minister in several Baptist churches in the East. He composed one hundred fifty hymns during his eighty-seven years and helped compile the leading Baptist hymnal of his day. He was also editor of a missionary magazine through which he exerted a strong influence in promoting the cause of missions. Later he became the secretary of the Baptist Missionary Union and spent considerable time visiting various foreign fields. Samuel Smith was truly a distinctive representative of both his country and his God.

My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride,
From ev'ry mountain side let freedom ring!

My native country, thee, land of the noble free, thy name I love:
I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills like that above.

Let music swell the breeze, and ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song:
Let mortal tongues awake, let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.

Our fathers' God, to Thee, author of liberty, to Thee we sing:
Long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might, great God, our King!

Click here for the various recordings:

“We will Remember”
Tommy Walker wrote the following about his song “We will Remember”.God really touched me through the song We Will Remember. When I wrote the song, I was just very discouraged and felt like God wasn't answering my prayers. I was reading a verse in Nehemiah about the children of Israel who had run far from God and become proud – because they forgot the miracles that God had done for them. I suddenly looked back at my life and how God had been so faithful to me and blessed me so much. In that moment, it didn't look so bright, but when I looked back, I was reminded of God's faithfulness. That's how I wrote the song

Click here to listen to the song:

"Blessed Be Your Name"
This powerful worship song by Matt Redman has a phrase that is based on Job 13:15. The Message translates it like this
"So hold your tongue while I have my say, then I'll take whatever I have coming to me.Why do I go out on a limb like this and take my life in my hands?Because even if he killed me, I'd keep on hoping. I'd defend my innocence to the very end. Just wait, this is going to work out for the best—my salvation!"
Click here to hear the story behind the song by Matt Redman.

Click here to hear the song

Click here to worship along with Tree63

"Salute to the Armed Forces"
Click here to listen to this tribute song:

"In God we still Trust"
Click here to learn more about Diamond Rio:

Click here to listen to this song by Diamond Rio:

"America the Beautiful"

Pike's Peak is an American beauty spot, about 10 miles west of Colorado Springs, in the state of Colorado. It is actually a 14,000 ft mountain, with a road up to the summit, although many people choose to climb to the top and look out across the "spacious skies", and "purple mountain majesties".
Katherine Lee Bates did just that back in 1893, and the view she saw inspired her to write the words to America the Beautiful.
She was born in 1859, the daughter of a Pastor, and she graduated from Wellesley College, in Massachusetts. Later she returned to teach at the college, and became head of the English department.
By 1893 she had written a number of books, including her research into the history of American literature. But the work that she is best known for is the poem that became the country's second most popular patriotic song.

She had been on an extended holiday in 1893 when she visited Pike's Peak, in Colorado. After she returned to her room that night, she remarked to friends that countries such as England had failed because, while they may have been "great", they had not been "good" ... she went on "unless we are willing to crown our greatness with goodness, and our bounty with brotherhood, our beloved America may go the same way."
The poem itself remained unpublished until it appeared two years later in the Congregationalist Newspaper, and after that it went through a number of revisions before eventually being published by he Boston Evening Transcript in 1904.
It was originally never intended to be sung, but its metre fitted a number of tunes around at the time. The one that it is most closely associated with is a tune called Materna, written by Samuel Augustus Ward in 1882. originally for a hymn, O Mother Dear, Jerusalem.

Click here for the various arrangements of the song:

"Break Our Hearts"

Billy and his wife Cindy live in San Antonio. Billy started leading worship in 1990, right out of college. Back then Christiandom didn't demand bands. They were satisfied with simplicity. Billy played his guitar and led worship by himself until several years later. He added a drummer (Joe McArthur) first and then a bass player (Shawn Skeen) and then Cindy joined in with vocals in 2001. Sometime around the year 2000 Billy began having vocal trouble which turned out to be a neurological condition called hyper-disphonia. There's really no cure for this condition. So Cindy began singing more of the lead vocals over time. Though Cindy sings most of the songs, Billy is still the person giving direction to the worship time and, of course, he writes most of the songs the band plays. Billy began song writing in the late 1990's. He's written several well known songs including:"Break Our Hearts", "Goodness and Mercy", "You Are My King (Amazing Love)", "Sing to the King", "I Have a River", "Die the Death", "You Are God Alone (not a god)", "You Are Welcome Here" and "Welcome to the Cross".

Learn more about Billy's ministry on his myspace website & ministry website:

Learn more about Billy's ministry here:

Click here to worship along on the song:

"God of our Fathers"

Daniel C. Roberts, the 35 year-old rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, a small rural church in Brandon, Vermont, wanted a new hymn for his congregation to celebrate the American Centennial in 1876. He wrote "God of Our Fathers" and his congregation sang it to the tune RUSSIAN HYMN.
In 1892, he anonymously sent the hymn to the General Convention for consideration by the commission formed to revise the Episcopal hymnal. If approved, he promised to send his name. The commission approved it, printing it anonymously in its report. Rev. Dr. Tucker, who was the editor of the Hymnal, and George W. Warren, an organist in New York city, were commissioned to choose a hymn for the celebration of the centennial of the United States Constitution. They chose this text and Warren wrote a new tune for it, NATIONAL HYMN, including the trumpet fanfare at the beginning of the hymn.
It was first published in Tucker’s Hymnal, 1892, with this tune, then in 1894 in the Tucker and Rosseau’s Hymnal Revised and Enlarged. These lyrics were also set to the hymn tune PRO PATRIA in Charles Hutchins’ The Church Hymnal. But NATIONAL HYMN prevailed and it is the tune to which "God of Our Fathers" is always sung today.

Click here for the various arrangements:

“God Bless America”

The unofficial national anthem of the United States was composed by an immigrant who left his home in Siberia for the USA when he was only five years old. The original version of "God Bless America" was written by Irving Berlin (1888-1989) during the summer of 1918 at Camp Upton, located in Yaphank, Long Island, for his Ziegfeld-style revue, Yip, Yip, Yaphank. "Make her victorious on land and foam, God Bless America..." ran the original lyrics. However, Irving decided that the solemn tone of "God Bless America" was somewhat out of keeping with the more comedic elements of the show, so the song was laid aside.
In the fall of 1938, as war was again threatening Europe, he decided to write a "peace" song. He recalled his lyrics of "God Bless America" from twenty years earlier, then made some alterations to reflect the different state of the world. Singer Kate Smith introduced the revised "God Bless America" during her radio broadcast on Armistice Day, 1938. The song was an immediate sensation; the sheet music was in great demand.

Click here to read more details about the song:

Click here to listen to Celine Dion singing this great song at the Super Bowl following 9/11

Click here to listen to the different arrangements of the song:

"Songs for the Heroes"

This song was written by Mike Harland head of the worship department for Lifeway. During this song we'll have a tribute to heroes with over 115 photos of heroes past & present.

"Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Words by Julia W. Howe 1861. This hymn was born dur­ing the Amer­i­can ci­vil war, when Howe vis­it­ed a Un­ion Ar­my camp on the Po­to­mac Riv­er near Wash­ing­ton, D. C. She heard the sol­diers sing­ing the song “John Brown’s Body,” and was tak­en with the strong marching beat. She wrote the words the next day with a strong march­ing beat. "I awoke in the grey of the morn­ing, and as I lay wait­ing for dawn, the long lines of the de­sired po­em be­gan to en­twine them­selves in my mind, and I said to my­self, “I must get up and write these vers­es, lest I fall asleep and for­get them!” So I sprang out of bed and in the dim­ness found an old stump of a pen, which I re­mem­bered us­ing the day be­fore. I scrawled the vers­es al­most with­out look­ing at the p­aper."The hymn ap­peared in the At­lant­ic Month­ly in 1862. It was sung at the fun­er­als of Brit­ish states­man Win­ston Church­ill, Amer­i­can sen­at­or Ro­bert Ken­ne­dy, and Am­er­i­can pre­si­dents Ron­ald Rea­gan and Ri­chard Nix­on.Music: John Brown’s Bo­dy, poss­i­bly by John Will­iam SteffeJohn Brown was an Amer­i­can abo­li­tion­ist who led a short lived in­­sur­­rect­­ion to free the slaves.

Click here to listen to the many arrangements of this great hymn:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday June 22, 2008

"The Lord Reigns"
Here is Klaus' testimony in his own words:

There are moments in each person’s life that shape us and cause us to change our course. One such moment in my life happened in the spring of 2003 at an “Encounter” event in Mexico. I attended the conference to help with worship and ended up with an encounter that would change my life. The word I received that weekend from Lindell was that I had not been forgotten, the Lord had need of me in this hour, and that a fountain for the nations was about to open up. Soon after, I received an invitation to be the Worship Leader at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. From the fall of 2003 through the spring of 2005 I had the privilege of entering into the presence each morning with about 1000 students who were hungry to see God move in their life. That season also opened up the opportunity to produce two CFNI Worship projects,"Glorious" and "Overtaken". I was born in Germany, but by the time I was ten, my family ended up in Canada after several years in Chicago and Michigan. At the age of five I began taking piano lessons and continued training in classical and jazz until I was about 18. I remember hearing Keith Green for the first time and being captivated by the sound of his heart. A lot of other influences weighed in to shape my musical mindset. In 1984 I left Canada and moved to Dallas, Texas to attend Christ For The Nations, Institute. Soon after graduating, I married Julie, who is an amazing woman and my best friend. We have three children, Candace, 11, Aaron Judah, 2, and Olivia Grace, born June 20th of last year.After a number of years in music ministry in Plano, Texas, we felt a season of change coming into our lives. In 1995 I left the church where I was leading Worship and began getting involved with real estate and remodeling homes. Through the years I have continued traveling and Leading Worship while building custom homes in McKinney, Texas. In the spring of 2005 I left Christ For The Nations and started Pure Worship Ministries. We are producing Worship that I believe, touches the heart of God and ministers to His people. The best is yet to come.

Click here to learn more about Klaus Kuehn:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along with Klaus:

"That's Why We Praise Him"

Check out Tommy Walker here
Click here to listen to the song:

"Holy is the Lord" worship choir with soloist Chrisy Denton

"Sing to the King"

This song was written by Billy James Foote. The song is based upon the hymn by Charles S. Horne. Here are the original words penned in 1910. Notice the similarity between the Horne's words and Billy's adaptation of the song.
Sing we the King Who is coming to reign,
Glory to Jesus, the Lamb that was slain.
Life and salvation His empire shall bring,
Joy to the nations when Jesus is King.Refrain
Come let us sing, praise to our King,
Jesus our King, Jesus our King,
This is our song, who to Jesus belong:
Glory to Jesus, to Jesus our King.

Billy is a member of the Alamo City Christian Fellowship in San Antonio. Billy started leading worship in 1990, right out of college. Back then Christiandom didn't demand bands. They were satisfied with simplicity. Billy played his guitar and led worship by himself until several years later. He added a drummer (Joe McArthur) first and then a bass player (Shawn Skeen) and then Cindy joined in with vocals in 2001. Sometime around the year 2000 Billy began having vocal trouble which turned out to be a neurological condition called hyper-disphonia. There's really no cure for this condition. So Cindy began singing more of the lead vocals over time. Though Cindy sings most of the songs, Billy is still the person giving direction to the worship time and, of course, he writes most of the songs the band plays. Billy began song writing in the late 1990's. He's written several well known songs including:"Break Our Hearts", "Goodness and Mercy", "You Are My King (Amazing Love)", "Sing to the King", "I Have a River", "Die the Death", "You Are God Alone (not a god)", "You Are Welcome Here" and "Welcome to the Cross".
Learn more about Billy's ministry on his myspace website & ministry website:

Learn more about Billy's ministry here:

Click here to worship along with the Passion band:

This song was written by Scott Underwood while on a men’s retreat. He was fishing with his good friend John who just happened to have taken a guitar out on the boat. Scott picked up the guitar and just began to play and sing the simple words to the song. He thought for sure someone had probably used the phrase “transform it and conform it”. After playing it through a couple of times he looked up and found his burley friend John a plumber crying as the presence of the Lord had touched his heart.

Holiness, holiness is what I long for Holiness is what I need Holiness,
holiness is what You want from me
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for Faithfulness is what I need
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what You want from me
Take my heart and form it Take my mind and transform it
Take my will and conform it To Yours, to Yours, Oh Lord
Righteousness, righteousness is what I long for
Righteousness is what I need Righteousness, righteousness is what You want from me

Click here to listen to Scott share how he wrote the song:

Click here to worship along with Micah Stampley

Click here to worship along on the song:

"One Day"
by Michael Bleeker & J. Wilbur Chapman
This is a new arrangement of an old hymn by Michael Bleaker worship pastor at the Village church in Flower Mound. The words were penned by J. Wilbur Chapman.
Click here to play the song - scroll down to new worship songs

Michael on worship:"At the Village church , we believe that worship is our response - both personal and corporate - to God for Who He is and what He has done, expressed in and by the things we say and the way we live."
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises,One day when sin was as black as could be,
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin,Dwelt among men, my Example is He!
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever;One day He’s coming—O glorious day!

One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain,One day they nailed Him to die on the tree;
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected:Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He!
One day they left Him alone in the garden,One day He rested, from suffering free;

Angels came down o’er His tomb to keep vigil;Hope of the hopeless, my Savior is He!
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer,One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then He arose, over death He had conquered;Now is ascended, my Lord evermore!
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming,One day the skies with His glories will shine;
Wonderful day, my belovèd ones bringing;Glorious Savior, this Jesus is mine!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers' day to all you fathers.

I was blessed to have a great Dad who went to be with the Lord in 1989 after battling colon cancer for 10 months. There isn't a day that I don't think of his influence and the love he shared with our family. I miss him; I look forward this Sunday as we honor fathers. See you Sunday, Mark

"All the Earth will Sing your praises"

Paul Baloche says that this song was his attempt to write a song that would cover the story of Jesus from the cradle to the empty grave, a song that would encompass the gospel.

Click here to hear Paul talk about the song.

Click here to worship along with Paul

"The Lord Reigns"
Here is Klaus' testimony in his own words:

There are moments in each person’s life that shape us and cause us to change our course. One such moment in my life happened in the spring of 2003 at an “Encounter” event in Mexico. I attended the conference to help with worship and ended up with an encounter that would change my life. The word I received that weekend from Lindell was that I had not been forgotten, the Lord had need of me in this hour, and that a fountain for the nations was about to open up. Soon after, I received an invitation to be the Worship Leader at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. From the fall of 2003 through the spring of 2005 I had the privilege of entering into the presence each morning with about 1000 students who were hungry to see God move in their life. That season also opened up the opportunity to produce two CFNI Worship projects,"Glorious" and "Overtaken". I was born in Germany, but by the time I was ten, my family ended up in Canada after several years in Chicago and Michigan. At the age of five I began taking piano lessons and continued training in classical and jazz until I was about 18. I remember hearing Keith Green for the first time and being captivated by the sound of his heart. A lot of other influences weighed in to shape my musical mindset. In 1984 I left Canada and moved to Dallas, Texas to attend Christ For The Nations, Institute. Soon after graduating, I married Julie, who is an amazing woman and my best friend. We have three children, Candace, 11, Aaron Judah, 2, and Olivia Grace, born June 20th of last year.After a number of years in music ministry in Plano, Texas, we felt a season of change coming into our lives. In 1995 I left the church where I was leading Worship and began getting involved with real estate and remodeling homes. Through the years I have continued traveling and Leading Worship while building custom homes in McKinney, Texas. In the spring of 2005 I left Christ For The Nations and started Pure Worship Ministries. We are producing Worship that I believe, touches the heart of God and ministers to His people. The best is yet to come.

Click here to learn more about Klaus Kuehn:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along with Klaus:

The worship choir will minister this song with Lisa Speir

Oh Thou who knowest my beginning,
Thou who created the plan,
who orchestrated my life's journey;
God, You are my God.God of decisions, Creator of answers,
Thou who ordained my way, through my transition,
held my position; God, You are my God.I will forever give You praise,
honor and celebrate Your name,
God of the past, present, and Who is to come;
Whatever You do with me it's alright, You have my total trust,
Glory and honor, dominion and power; God, You are my God.

"He keeps me singing"
A Methodist preacher by the name of Luther Bridges, was born in 1884, he married Sarah Veatch and three lovely sons were born of their union. Pastor Bridges accepted an invitation to minister at a conference in Kentucky in the year 1910, so he left his family in the care of his father-in-law and made the trip to Kentucky. There, two wonderful weeks of ministry resulted. The last service closed with great joy and he was excited to be called to the telephone. He couldn't wait to tell his wife about all the blessings. But it wasn't her voice on that long distance line. He listened in silence to the news that a fire had burned down the house of his father-in-law and his wife and all three of his sons had died in the blaze. That distraught father leaned heavily on His Savior and expressed his faith in God during a tearful moment by penning these words:

There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low,
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still, In all of lifes ebb and flow.

Click here to listen to a quartet arrangement:

Click here for a recording of the song:

Click here for a ragtime piano version:

"Glory to His Name"

Click here to learn more about the composers of this great

Down at the cross where my Savior died,
Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!Refrain Glory to His Name, glory to His Name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;Glory to His Name!
I am so wondrously saved from sin,Jesus so sweetly abides within;
There at the cross where He took me in;Glory to His Name!

"Amazing Grace" (My Chains Are Gone)

Click here to hear Chris Tomlin share about how he wrote the alternate chorus:

here is more information on how the song came about.

Click here to watch the music video

More information on how the song came about.

Click here to watch the music video
Steven Curtis Chapman wrote this song after an evening bath time with his daughters. He wrote the following statement on how the song affected him:
I worry about the five minutes or five days or five years ahead. Or I look over my shoulder and say, “Boy, that was great back there,” or “I should have done this back there.” But I’m really trying to learn the importance of showing up in the moment – the good ones, the hard ones, the happy ones, the sad ones – every moment. I want to try and engage in these moments with our children, and all of the moments in between. That’s why I wrote “Cinderella” as a reminder to myself: I hope it encourages you.

Click here to listen to the song by Steven Curtis Chapman:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday June 8, 2008

"I will Boast"

Read more about Paul Baloches' ministry here
This song is based on the verse Jeremiah 9:24
"Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

The Apostle Paul, writes this in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31:"Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God - that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. Therefore, as it is written(in Jeremiah 9:24): "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

Click here to worship with the song:

"The Lord Reigns"

Here is Klaus' testimony in his own words:

There are moments in each person's life that shape us and cause us to change our course. One such moment in my life happened in the spring of 2003 at a "Encounter" event in Mexico. I attended the conference to help with worship and ended up with an encounter that would change my life. The word I received that weekend from Lindell was that I had not been forgotten, the Lord had need of me in this hour, and that a fountain for the nations was about to open up.
Soon after, I received an invitation to be the Worship Leader at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. From the fall of 2003 through the spring of 2005 I had the privilege of entering into the presence each morning with about 1000 students who were hungry to see God move in their life. That season also opened up the opportunity to produce two CFNI Worship projects,"Glorious" and "Overtaken".
I was born in Germany, but by the time I was ten, my family ended up in Canada after several years in Chicago and Michigan. At the age of five I began taking piano lessons and continued training in classical and jazz until I was about 18. I remember hearing Keith Green for the first time and being captivated by the sound of his heart. A lot of other influences weighed in to shape my musical mindset.
In 1984 I left Canada and moved to Dallas, Texas to attend Christ For The Nations, Institute. Soon after graduating, I married Julie, who is an amazing woman and my best friend. We have three children, Candace, 11, Aaron Judah, 2, and Olivia Grace, born June 20th of last year.
After a number of years in music ministry in Plano, Texas, we felt a season of change coming into our lives. In 1995 I left the church where I was leading Worship and began getting involved with real estate and remodeling homes. Through the years I have continued traveling and Leading Worship while building custom homes in McKinney, Texas.
In the spring of 2005 I left Christ For The Nations and started Pure Worship Ministries. We are producing Worship that I believe, touches the heart of God and ministers to His people. The best is yet to come.

Click here to learn more about Klaus Kuehn:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along with Klaus:

"All about Your glory"

This song was written by Tommy Walker: Tommy has led worship at Christian Assembly in Los Angeles, California with his pastor, Mark Pickerill, since 1990. He has traveled with Promise Keepers, Greg Laurie Harvest Crusades and Franklin Graham.He has also been privileged to serve with such church leaders as Jack Hayford, Bill Hybels and Rick Warren. He has recorded worship projects for Maranatha! Music, Integrity Music, and Get Down Ministries.He has written over 100 songs that are currently being tracked by C.C.L.I. and are being sung in churches around the world, including He Knows My Name, Only A God Like You, That's Why We Praise Him, Lord I Believe In You, Mourning Into Dancing, Break Through, This is What Christmas Means to Me, and his latest song, I Have a Hope.For the last decade Tommy has traveled internationally holding worship concerts and mercy ministry outreaches in places where people are in great need. He has led his worship team to the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Guatemala, Zambia and Brazil.Tommy has been married to his wife, Robin, for seventeen years. They have four children, Jake, Levi, Emmie and Eileen. To be found faithful to His God, his family and his local church will always be his greatest achievement.

Here are the lyrics:
I wanna make my life all about Your glory I wanna spend my days telling the world Your story
In everything I do, in everything I say, Following after You, giving You thanks and praise
I wanna make my life all about Your honor Morning noon and night, my best I want to offer
In everything I do, in everything I say, Following after You, giving You thanks and praise

Make me an instrument, make me a song of praise Make me a shining light that radiates Your ways
Make me Your masterpiece, Lord put me on displayThat I may ever be a picture of Your grace
Your glory, Your honor That’s what I want my life to be all about
Your goodness, Your kindness Your life in me ever reaching out

Your mercy, forgiveness That’s what I want my life to be all about
Your love and Your power Your life in me ever reaching out

"Are you Washed in the Blood"

This song was writtne by Elisha Hoffman. Hoffman (1839-1929) was an American minister and Gospel song and hymn writer who wrote the words and music for such familiar hymns as "Are You Washed in the Blood?," "I Must Tell Jesus," "Is Your All on the Altar?," and "What a Wonderful Saviour!"

Click here for a bluegrass arrangement:

Click here for an arrangement by Loretta Lynn:

Click here for an arrangement by Alan Jackson:

"There is Power in the Blood"

This hymn was written by Lewis E. Jones.

Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 8, 1865, Yates City, Illinois.
Died: Sep­tem­ber 1, 1936, Santa Barbara, Cal­i­for­nia.
Buried: Altoona Walnut Grove Cem­e­te­ry, Etowah Coun­ty, Alabama.

Pseudonyms:Lewis Edgar, Edgar Lewis, & Mary Slater

A class­mate of evan­gel­ist Bil­ly Sun­day, Jones at­tend­ed the Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute. After grad­u­a­tion, he worked for the Young Men’s Christ­ian As­so­ci­a­tion in Da­ven­port, Io­wa; Fort Worth, Tex­as (1915); and San­ta Bar­ba­ra, Cal­i­forn­ia (1925). Hymn writ­ing was his avo­ca­tion. Lew­is E. Jones wrote this song in 1899. Jones wrote this song at a camp meet­ing at Mount­ain Lake Park, Mar­y­land.

Click here for a gospel arrangement:

Click here to worship along Sandra Crouch:

Click here to worship along with Mahalia Jackson:

Click here for another arrangement:

"New Doxology"

This is a new arrangement of the traditional Doxology. The added verse was written by Thomas Miller worship pastor at Gateway church in Southlake, Texas.
Click here to listen to Thomas share about how he wrote the additional verses from the third person:

A doxology (from the Greek doxa, glory + logos, word or speaking) is a short hymn of praise to God in various Christian worship services, often added to the end of canticles, psalms, and hymnsThis doxology has widespread use in English circles, in some Protestant traditions commonly referred to simply as "The Doxology" and in others as “The Common Doxology”, is:Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

This text, which was originally the seventh and final stanza of "Glory to thee, my God, this night", a hymn for evening worship written by Thomas Ken in about 1674, is usually sung to the tune Old 100th, but also to Duke Street by John Hatton, Lasst uns erfreuen, and The Eighth Tune by Thomas Tallis, among others.

Click here for a recording of the Gateway version:

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Click here to hear and see the Doxology

Click here to hear one of the most accomplished guitarist present a unique version

Sermon this Sunday is "Observation of the Bride"
Psalm 45:9, 13-15 Revelation 21:9b