Wednesday, September 16, 2009

“Only a God Like You”

Tommy Walker didn’t speak until he was three years-old. They say once he started he hasn’t stopped. Tommy has led worship at Christian Assembly in Los Angeles, California with his pastor Mark Pickerill, since 1990. Tommy believes every person is created to give glory to their Creator. Only in fulfilling this purpose can we find true meaning in life. Tommy has traveled with Promise Keepers, Greg Laurie Harvest Crusades and Franklin Graham. He has written over 100 songs that include “He Knows my Name”, “That’s Why we Praise Him”, “Lord I Believe in You”, “Break Through” and “This is What Christmas means to me’. For the last decade Tommy has traveled internationally holding worship concerts and mercy ministry outreaches in places where people are in great need. He has led his worship team to the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Guatemala, Zambia and Brazil. Tommy has been married to his wife Robin for seventeen years and they have four children. Tommy’s prayer is that he will be found faithful to His God, his family and his local church.

Click here to learn more about Tommy Walker:

Click here to sing along on the song:

"All My Life"

This song is by the Parachute BandJohn 8:36 says: 'So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed'. All My Life was written in response to the freedom found in Jesus. It's a simple song, but it's a simple message. Jesus is my freedom and my reason and I love Him with all my life.

Click here to worship along with the song:

This song was written by our own Sam Best. This song reminds us that we need to have a heart of thanks.
For all you've done I will give you thanks,
Even though I don't deserve it you showed amazing grace,
Your endless love has brought me through
Times I almost gave up and were helpless without you Lord,
For all these things I give you thanks.

"Lead me to the Cross"

Savior I come quiet my soul remember
Redemptions hill Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom everything I once held dear I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross Where Your love poured out Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down rid me of myself I belong to You lead me,
Lead me to the cross

You were as I tempted and tried You are
The word became flesh Bore my sin and death Now you're risen
To your heart To your heart Lead me to your heart Lead me to your heart

Brooke Fraser was born in New Zealand. She is on of the main key worshippers of Sydney Australia's Hillsong Church and is married to on of Hillsong United's songwritters Scott Ligertwood. She has appeared on many live worship albums. She is a born again Christian. She was born to former 'All Black' Bernie Fraser and Lynda Fraser and is the oldest out of 3 children

Click here to learn more about Brooke Fraser:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along on the song:

"I Surrender All"

This powerful hymn was written by Judson W. Van DeVenter in 1896. He wrote the following in his journal:
The song was writ­ten while I was con­duct­ing a meet­ing at East Pal­es­tine, Ohio, in the home of George Seb­ring (found­er of the Seb­ring Camp­meet­ing Bi­ble Con­fer­ence in Seb­ring, Ohio, and lat­er de­vel­op­er of the town of Seb­ring, Flor­i­da). For some time, I had strug­gled be­tween de­vel­op­ing my tal­ents in the field of art and go­ing into full-time evan­gel­is­tic work. At last the pi­vot­al hour of my life came, and I sur­ren­dered all. A new day was ushered in­to my life. I became an evang­el­ist and dis­cov­ered down deep in my soul a tal­ent hi­ther­to un­known to me. God had hid­den a song in my heart, and touch­ing a ten­der chord, He caused me to sing "I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all" Win­field S. Weed­en wrote the music. In 1896 Weeden pub­lished a num­ber of books of re­li­gious mu­sic, but this song must have been one of his fa­vo­rites: its ti­tle was on his tomb­stone.

Click here to hear Ce Ce Winan sing this hymn:

Click here to hear the Isaacs sing the song:

Click here to watch a very moving liturgical dance to the song:

"Alabaster Jar"

This song was written by Zach Neese, he wrote the song based on Luke 7. He wrote the following about the song. When I write a song, I begin in a moment with God, a gem of truth, and a cry that the Church needs to learn to vocalize. Alabaster Jar is a moment in the life of a person who remains at the feet of Jesus. The truth is that worship is not something we simply sing, but it is an attitude of the heart that motivates the actions of our lives. The cry is the chorus, "Here I am. Take me as an offering. Here I am giving every heartbeat for Your glory."The title refers to the sinful woman in Luke 7 who anointed Jesus' feet with oil and tears and wiped them clean with her hair.I understand that womanWhen you have been pulled off of the dung heap where the world casts aside its used-up, worthless garbage you cannot remain unmoved. This woman permitted God to move her. And when she moved, it was an all-out act of worship – selfless, pure, extravagant, even embarrassing to the religious establishment. It takes a heart that has been wooed by forgiveness to love that deeply. She bowed at His feet and poured out the wages of her past - everything she was. She poured out the security of her future - everything she could ever afford to become. She even poured out the tears of her broken heart and laid bare the wounds that they had pooled in. Then this amazing woman loosed her glorious hair and used it to wipe Jesus' filthy, neglected feet clean. She used her glory as a dust rag to serve Christ.Her actions more eloquently expressed gratefulness than any words she could have spoken. That is worship. Worship is not lip service, but the grateful response of a heart that has been won by mercy (Romans 12:1).That is how I want to live. God is worthy of nothing less.

Click here to listen to the song:

Click here to listen to the song online:

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