Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Behind the Praise - Sunday November 8, 2009


This worship song is based upon the passage in Psalm 136 “His love endures forever”. It took four years for Chris to finally finish the song after working on the song off and on.

Click here to listen to Chris tell about how he wrote the song:

Click here to learn more about Chris Tomlin:

Click here to worship along with Chris Tomlin:

"In Him"

This new song is from the pen of Don Poythress.
Click here to learn more about this new worship artist with country roots.

"Give Thanks to the Lord"

This song was written by Jon Essen, Stew & Karin Essens' son. The song is a great reminder of all that we have to be thankful for.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is the reigning King
Thanks to the Lord the ruler of everything
Thanks to the Lord for He is the reigning King
Thanks to the Lord the Ruler of everything

"Take my Life and Let it Be"

Frances R. Havergal wrote the following about how he wrote the song: I went for a lit­tle vi­sit of five days (to Are­ley House). There were ten per­sons in the house, some un­con­vert­ed and long prayed for, some con­vert­ed, but not re­joic­ing Christ­ians. He gave me the pra­yer, “Lord, give me all in this house!” And He just did. Be­fore I left the house ev­ery one had got a bless­ing. The last night of my vis­it af­ter I had re­tired, the gov­ern­ess asked me to go to the two daugh­ters. They were cry­ing, then and there both of them trust­ed and re­joiced; it was near­ly mid­night. I was too hap­py to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and re­new­al of my own con­se­cra­tion; and these lit­tle coup­lets formed them­selves, and chimed in my heart one af­ter ano­ther till they fin­ished with “Ever, On­ly, ALL for Thee!”

Click here to hear a newer version of the hymn

Click here for a great arrangement:


Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God's only son perfect and spotless one
He never sinned, but suffered as if he did

All authority, every victory is Yours
All authority, every victory is Yours

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise,
You overcame Jesus, awesome in power forever, awesome and great is Your name,

Click here to learn more about Jon Egan composer of this powerful song:

Click here to listen to the story behind the song:

Click here to worship along with the Desperation Band:

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