Thursday, April 22, 2010

Behind the Praise - Sunday April 25, 2010

"Hallelujah, Your Love is Amazing"

Listen to Brian Doerkson tell about the writing of the song

Listen to Brenton Brown tell about writing the song with

Prepare your heart for Sunday by singing along and reading some great sayings by children

"I AM"
Worship choir with Ben McLallen.

Click here to listen to the song:

"The Stand"
Click here to listen to the song:

"Our God"
Click here to listen to the song by Chris Tomlin:


This song was written by Kathryn Scott while living in Glasgow. Kathryn found her self desperate for the Lord and this song became her personal cry for revival.

Click here to listen to Kathryn share her story:

Hungry I come to You For I know You satisfy
I am empty but I know Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You So I wait for You I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me Jesus You're all This heart is living for
Broken I run to You For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know Your touch Restores my life

Click here for Kathryns' myspace:

"Take my Life and Let it Be"

Frances R. Havergal wrote the following about how he wrote the song: I went for a lit­tle vi­sit of five days (to Are­ley House). There were ten per­sons in the house, some un­con­vert­ed and long prayed for, some con­vert­ed, but not re­joic­ing Christ­ians. He gave me the pra­yer, “Lord, give me all in this house!” And He just did. Be­fore I left the house ev­ery one had got a bless­ing. The last night of my vis­it af­ter I had re­tired, the gov­ern­ess asked me to go to the two daugh­ters. They were cry­ing, then and there both of them trust­ed and re­joiced; it was near­ly mid­night. I was too hap­py to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and re­new­al of my own con­se­cra­tion; and these lit­tle coup­lets formed them­selves, and chimed in my heart one af­ter ano­ther till they fin­ished with “Ever, On­ly, ALL for Thee!”

Click here to hear a newer version of the hymn

Click here for a great arrangement:

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